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  • How to use ChatGPT Mega-Prompts to Expedite Persona Research and Creative Strategy

How to use ChatGPT Mega-Prompts to Expedite Persona Research and Creative Strategy

Ask better questions, get better answers.

You own marketing in some form or fashion. You know how important it is to communicate your brand and message effectively. It’s the difference between a CAC that makes you money vs one that kills your business.

To do this, you need to understand your buyer persona. I’ve written about scrappy ways to do this in other posts - and I want to augment that with ChatGPT.

Note: what I’m about to share is a directional start that will likely be 80% of the way there. However, it’s not a good idea to treat any generative-AI output as the one and only truth, so use the output accordingly.

I have multi-prompt sequence in a Google sheet that:

  • takes your inputs ad-lib style

  • generates a prompt you can copy and paste into ChatGPT

  • returns tables with personas, their problems, their attempted solutions, our relevant benefits, and more.

It also generates ad scripts and storyboards for you to use as a starting point in your creative briefs.

Chaining multi-prompt sequences

The key to all this is to use longer, multi-prompt sequences that give the AI more context and guidance. Outputs are only as good as inputs. These are my steps:

  1. Seed GPT with context

  2. Prompt for a full panel of personas

  3. Prompt for ad scripts and storyboards.

  4. Prompt it to give you other ad concepts to consider building this ad out in.

For example, instead of asking a generic prompt like "Write marketing copy for our product," you could try seeding the AI with more detailed context, such as your product's unique features, benefits, and target audience. By providing this information upfront, you can guide the AI towards producing more accurate and relevant outputs that resonate with your target audience.

Chain prompts together to build context

Chaining multiple prompts together also helps build more context to create a more complete picture for the AI to work with.

For example, in the above, we painted a picture of our product and our audience and got some messaging ideas. Now that the AI is aware of our intent and the space we’re operating in, we can take it to the next level. Additional prompts you can ask:

  1. Prompt it to give you other ad concepts to consider building ads out in

  2. Prompt for getting ahead of objections and questions to increase conversion rate

  3. Since we've loaded GPT with all this context, prompt it to do competitive research. Ask it to identify other players and their ad messaging

  4. Prompt for hooks for use in headlines and other marketing surfaces

  5. Generate a list of search keywords that we can bid on to get in front of the customer at the bottom of the funnel

  6. Generate product roadmap ideas to consider building for your persona

  7. Generate a short framework for suggested landing page elements

  8. Leverage GPT to elevate your thinking beyond just conversion oriented marketing.

By chaining these prompts together, you're building on your previous asks and rolling the value of the answers into a larger and larger snowball.

Tell it how you want it

Finally, make this easy on the eyes. Specify the formatting you want the output to be. I love asking it to put things into tables to make things easily scannable, as well as specifying when I want things in numerical list or labels to indicate different things like camera angles, action shots, etc.

Copy my sheet

Like where this is heading? Shortcut the work by:

  1. getting free access to my sheet

  2. making a copy

  3. and plugging in your own content

Let me know how it goes. If you have any questions or suggestions, comment below!


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